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Título : Active learning strategies on organic nomenclature using digital tools and collaborative work
Autor : Arteaga, Danny
Chavarro Cordoba, Marino
Lenis Velasquez, Luis Alberto
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Resumen : Abstract The present document describes the most relevant results from an active-learning activity design as a complementary tool to improve learning process of organic nomenclature on students from general organic chemistry course at Universidad del Cauca (Popayán-Colombia). This process was developed using a defined method in three parts: planning, setting, and validating. The first stage, according to organic compounds, eight (8) different interactive class materials from Genial.ly website were design. Secondly, students from various academic programs participated, and through collaborative work, each student handled the interactive program during four sessions, spread accordingly to the topic: from hydrocarbons to acid derivates. Finally, through guided surveys and an evaluation test, the activity’s innovative dynamic efficiency was evaluated under three components: effectiveness, content, and perceptions of applied tools. Results threw a high grade of acceptance on most of participants (80-90 %). Same way, the final test among experimental and control groups showed better results belonging to students participating in the activity with a total of 71.4% of students that passed the evaluating test. Control group students presented a lower performance on the test with only 40% of evaluated students approved.
URI : https://www.innovacioneducativa.unam.mx:8443/jspui/handle/123456789/8012
ISSN : 0187-893X
metadata.dc.identifier.url: https://www.scielo.org.mx/pdf/eq/v34n2/0187-893X-eq-34-02-59.pdf
metadata.dc.type: journalArticle
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos científicos y académicos

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