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dc.contributor.authorCañedo, Rafael García-
dc.contributor.authorSilva, Aníbal Isaac-
dc.contributor.authorPell del Río, Silvia Miriam-
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT The main challenge of Higher Education is to deliver to society graduates who are disciplined and committed to a solid scientific, technological and socio-humanistic background. This justifies the need to constantly improve the teaching-learning process of each subject, in each academic year, and in the quality of their relationships. For professionals in technical sciences, mastery of Physics as a science and its successful application to problems and solutions in the practice of the profession is of vital importance. This work aims to show the results of and the analysis of a pedagogical experience, applied to engineering students. An experience carried out from educational innovation and the construction of knowledge generators for the interactive and applied study of the deep, complex and abstract physical-mathematical expressions of Physics in Higher Education.-
dc.titleInnovación educativa en la Enseñanza Superior: Generadores del aprendizaje de la Física-
dcterms.bibliographicCitationCañedo, Rafael García, Silva, Aníbal Isaac, & Pell del Río, Silvia Miriam. (2022). Innovación educativa en la Enseñanza Superior: Generadores del aprendizaje de la Física. Revista Cubana de Educación Superior, 41(1), 4. Epub 01 de marzo de 2022. Recuperado en 19 de febrero de 2023, de http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0257-43142022000100004&lng=es&tlng=es.-
dc.subject.keywordsinnovación educativa-
dc.subject.keywordseducación superior-
dc.subject.keywordsaprendizaje creador interactivo-
dc.subject.keywordsgeneradores de conocimiento-
dc.subject.keywordshigher education-
dc.subject.keywordseducational innovation-
dc.subject.keywordscreative learning;-
dc.subject.keywordsgenerators of knowledge-
dc.relation.fuenteSciELO Cuba-
dc.relation.journalRev. Cubana Edu. Superior-
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos científicos y académicos

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