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Título : Didáctica de las lenguas extranjeras innovadora para introducir el inglés en 1ro y 2do grado
Autor : Navarro Brito, Jorge Enrique
Enríquez O´Farrill, Isora Justina
Pérez Novo, Eduardo
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Resumen : ABSTRACT The purpose of this article was to emphasizing on the application of the educative innovation concept on the didactics of foreign language discipline action for introducing English language at the 1st and 2nd grade in the primary education. The implementation of this discipline innovative action showed an articulatory, flexible, participatory, reciprocal, didactic and contextualized alternative among the different social agents; it equally provided tools for modifying attitudes, ideas, models, work styles, as well as new pedagogical practices on the English language teaching for the 1st and 2nd graders of this educational level. This innovative scaffolding not just contributed to the discipline innovative action but also with the school educative quality and working manners as well as the current primary school teachers and English language teachers training. The paper exhibits the outcomes of carried out studies as part of the didactics of foreign language discipline innovative action together with the other social agents on the introduction of the English language teaching at 1st and 2nd classes in some of the primary school teaching units in Cienfuegos municipality.
ISSN : 1992-8238
metadata.dc.identifier.url: http://scielo.sld.cu/pdf/vrcm/n74/1992-8238-vrcm-74-133.pdf
metadata.dc.type: journalArticle
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos científicos y académicos

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