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Título : Evaluación del proceso de gestión educativa para la integración de modelos didácticos mediados por TIC: un estudio de caso múltiple
Autor : Becerra, Isabel Jiménez
Ghotme, Kemel A.
Romeiro, Artieres Estevao
Bernal, Lina Rosa Parra
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Resumen : Abstract The article presents a study aimed at evaluating the effect of the implementation of ICT-mediated teaching models on teaching practices in some Colombian educational contexts, from an investigation of mixed nature framed in the designs of Guskey to evaluate the effect and the single multiple case study to analyze the report of these models in learning. We worked with 35 Colombian teachers from schools and universities located in rural and urban geographical areas that belong to settings with economic limitations and social realities marked by the conflict. In the conclusions, it was possible to corroborate the alternative hypothesis (Ha): the management of educational innovation projects partially favors the qualification of Teaching practices. This, as a product of strange variables related to the low number of devices that the institution has and the weak didactic knowledge that teachers have for the use of technologies in the classroom.
ISSN : 0104-4036
metadata.dc.identifier.url: https://www.scielo.br/j/ensaio/a/3ChyncnsZdwyqdjQcVzCFyG/?format=pdf&lang=es
metadata.dc.type: journalArticle
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos científicos y académicos

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