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Título : La educación física en tiempos de ASPO COVID19, la perspectiva docente
Autor : Tuñón, Ianina
Lavignolle, Brigida
Castro, Hernán
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Resumen : Abstract This article aims to provide an in-depth description of obstacles faced and strategies implemented by physical education teachers while teaching within the framework of educational communities characterized by social vulnerability in different geographical regions of the country. An exploratory and descriptive methodology based on the focus group technique was used. The results allow recognizing obstacles related to problems of connectivity, access to technology and skills for its use, and also in relation to the infrastructure and materials available in households. Tensions specific to the use of platforms, movement and exposure of bodies within the framework of new didactic strategies were recognized. Psychological discomfort, weight gain and harmful postural changes are some of the reported indicators of student health observed by teachers. Also, high absenteeism was observed, as well as participation in a process of innovation and mutation of the teaching practice that made use of collaborative strategies with teachers of other subjects and the school leadership team, but which demonstrated the secondary role of the subject in the educational community and the challenges associated with its legitimation in times when integral health is an imperative.
ISSN : 2314-2561
metadata.dc.identifier.url: http://www.scielo.org.ar/pdf/efyc/v24n3/2314-2561-efyc-24-3-e224.pdf
metadata.dc.type: journalArticle
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos científicos y académicos

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