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Título : La planificación curricular en innovación: elemento imprescindible en el proceso educativo
Autor : España Bone, Yolanda Inés
Vigueras Moreno, José Alberto
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Resumen : ABSTRACT The educational process, its methodology, resources and evaluation demand a real curriculum planning, contextualized according to the vertiginous transformations that humanity is experiencing as a social service. The purpose is to define and analyze the necessary elements and components in an innovative and appropriate curriculum in order to improve the importance of research. For the development of this work, the hermeneutic and exegetical methodologies were used, as well as, the inductive-deductive method and the bibliographic review. The importance of curricular planning in innovative schools, which show their competence, visionary efficacy, impact, relevance, sustainability, participation and creativity, was evidenced. They have achieved flexibility in their methodological processes and are part of the globalized and technological world, where innovation plays a fundamental role in the solution of socio-cultural problems.
ISSN : 0257-4314
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos científicos y académicos

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