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dc.contributor.authorProcter, Richard
dc.description.abstractRecent research has shown that improving education processes has become a pri- ority for all governments. There have also been recent calls for the knowledge that is already in existence to be used more effectively to improve these educa- tion systems both internationally and nationally. For research evidence to be used more effectively, it is important to know the extent to which research evidence is currently being used by teachers and their schools. This paper reports on research into the research practices used by teachers and their schools, and the value that teachers ascribe to those research practices. A questionnaire focusing on the use of research in schools shows the importance of asking about practices rather than attitudes when questioning practitioners. This research highlights the value-practice gaps, between the extent that a research practice is being used by a teacher or a school and the value that teachers ascribe to that practice. The study shows a consistent gap between how much teachers value the use of research and how much they use research in their daily practices. This study gives some useful insights into the debate surrounding practitioners use of research in schools.
dc.rightsDerechos reservados
dc.sourceJournal of Education for Teaching, 41(5):464-477
dc.titleTeachers and school research practices: the gaps between the values and practices of teachers
dcterms.bibliographicCitationProcter, Richard (2015). Teachers and school research practices: the gaps between the values and practices of teachers. Journal of Education for Teaching, 41(5):464-477. Disponible en: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02607476.2015.1105535?needAccess=true#aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGFuZGZvbmxpbmUuY29tL2RvaS9wZGYvMTAuMTA4MC8wMjYwNzQ3Ni4yMDE1LjExMDU1MzU/bmVlZEFjY2Vzcz10cnVlQEBAMA==
dc.subject.keywordsknowledge management
dc.subject.keywordsteachers' research practices
Aparece en las colecciones: Educación basada en evidencias

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