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Título : An examination of teachers' perceptions and practice when teaching large and reduced-size classes: Do teachers really teach them in the same way?
Autor : Harfitt, Gary James
Fecha de publicación : 2012
Resumen : Class size research suggests that teachers do not vary their teaching strategies when moving from large to smaller classes. This study draws on interviews and classroom observations of three experienced English language teachers working with large and reduced-size classes in Hong Kong secondary schools. Findings from the study point to subtle differences between teachers’ perceptions and their subsequent classroom practice. Implications for professional practice and development are presented.
ISSN : 0742-051X
metadata.dc.identifier.url: https://ac.els-cdn.com/S0742051X1100103X/1-s2.0-S0742051X1100103X-main.pdf?_tid=986ea8cf-83a7-48d2-b3da-6fab5c368757&acdnat=1543360899_6174ffb544a69251c2fff812a7403678
metadata.dc.type: Artículo
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