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Título : El liderazgo compartido como factor de sostenibilidad del proyecto de comunidades de aprendizajes
Autor : Castillo Armijo, Pablo
Puigdellivol Aguadé, Ignasi
Antúnez Marcos, Serafín
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Resumen : This article explores the meanings and valuations that members of a learning community attributed the phenomenon of leadership. We used a qualitative case study methodology from a communicative-critical perspective. Despite the various conceptualizations, there is a high value related to the importance of leadership as a basis for improvement and educational change. Our study also shows that the project sustainability depends on the participation and joint responsibility in the learning of all its members.
ISSN : 0718-0705
metadata.dc.identifier.url: http://www.scielo.cl/pdf/estped/v43n1/art03.pdf
metadata.dc.type: Artículo
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos científicos y académicos

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