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dc.contributor.authorBernaschina Cuadra, Diego
dc.description.abstractAbstract The paper corresponds an educational experience about the impact of the pedagogical practices of digital media in the classroom. In this main objective is to understand the relation between the complementary subject (Art Education and Technology Education) and the interdisciplinary methodology. As well as a new methodology for technological education in media arts. In this context of the inclusive school, the role of educational innovation assumes great importance, however, in order to improve and merge with a modernized model between teaching duo, digital content and inclusive students in the virtual classroom. As the results of the activities carried out in the different workshops of: Stop Motion Animation for primary education, and Video Art for secondary education. In both workshops, those that correspond to the simple of the plan of complementary subject in different artistic-technological activities, depending on the level of schooling. Therefore, a true educational change for the whole of society and the inclusive school. One of the great challenges of the future in the educational task in the classroom, which contributes to satisfy the needs of new educational opportunities both the professionals and the teaching leadership, sharing and promoting with collaborative work towards a new alternative method of strategic learning and the participation of students within the virtual classroom.
dc.relation.ispartofSciELO Ecuador
dc.rightsDerechos reservados
dc.sourceALTERIDAD. Revista de Educación, 14(1): 40-52
dc.titleLas TIC y Artes mediales: La nueva era digital en la escuela inclusiva
dcterms.bibliographicCitationBernaschina Cuadra, Diego (2019). Las TIC y Artes mediales: La nueva era digital en la escuela inclusiva. ALTERIDAD. Revista de Educación, 14(1): 40-52. Disponible en:http://scielo.senescyt.gob.ec/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1390-86422019000100040&lang=es
dc.subject.keywordsArtes mediales
dc.subject.keywordsproceso de enseñanza
dc.subject.keywordstecnología digital
dc.subject.keywordsTIC y educación escolar
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos científicos y académicos

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