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dc.contributor.authorRojas Mesa, Julio Ernesto
dc.contributor.authorLeal Urueña, Linda Alejandra
dc.description.abstractAbstract In recent years, scientific culture has become a topic of great importance in the process of conceiving theoretical and methodological alternatives for the transference and implementation of diverse products and results of science, technology and innovation. This article presents an experience of the construction of research culture or scientific culture, through the proposal of a gamification strategy among university researchers and professors. In terms of methodology, the application of the design thinking model to the development of a gamification strategy, directed at the construction of a research culture, made the research process more active and participatory for the selected researchers and professors, as a result of this study. A mobile application was designed in order to conceptualize a scientific culture based on the fundaments put forth by the SCientI-Col and the classification of research products.
dc.relation.ispartofSciELO México
dc.rightsDerechos reservados
dc.sourceInnovación educativa (México, DF), 19(80): 57-76
dc.titleEstrategias de gamificación para construir una cultura de investigación en contextos universitarios
dcterms.bibliographicCitationRojas Mesa, Julio Ernesto y Leal Urueña, Linda Alejandra (2019). Estrategias de gamificación para construir una cultura de investigación en contextos universitarios. Innovación educativa (México, DF), 19(80): 57-76. Disponible en:http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1665-26732019000200057&lang=es
dc.subject.keywordsCultura científica
dc.subject.keywordseducación superior
dc.subject.keywordsinvestigación educativa
dc.subject.keywordsproyecto experimental
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos científicos y académicos

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